Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Do white men GENERALLY think Latina's don't like them?

Do white men GENERALLY think Latina's don't like them?

haha, seriously! I keep on seeing some questions regarding white men and Latina women. For example, ';do latinas like white men?';

Of course we do. Or at least I do. While I know that not every white man is willing to date outside his race, I also know that not every Latina would consider to dating outside her culture.

I'm a Latina but I was born and raised in the US. I think white men are so attractive and Asian men are such sweethearts ^^ (I've dated Asian before, btw)

Now I live in a different community (predominantly white) and I would just like to know if anybody has any tips on interracial dating. I'm a very open minded person (:

-how can i find out if a guy is willing to date outside his race besides just asking him straight out? (i'm kind of shy to just ask somebody straight out like that)

-How do I let others know that I am interested and willing to date outside my race/ethnicity?

-Like I said before, do white men GENERALLY think Latinas are not willing to go out with them?

-Do Asian men think the same as the above question?


ps. I've noticed that white men flirt differently than Hispanic men. Has anybody noticed this too? Why do you think so?

^ has anybody else noticed that?

PSS. I'm in college btw.Do white men GENERALLY think Latina's don't like them?
Some might, some might not. My bf is white and i'm latina, got a baby on the way too. Yeh i've dated asians. It depends on the guy's personality, not his race (for me anyway). As far as flirting, most whites are what probably latinas would consider a bit more respectfully reserved... compared to a latino or a black man. I like men to flirt with me somewhere in the middle, i guess my bf did it right.Do white men GENERALLY think Latina's don't like them?
You keep posting this.

I am Latina, I've dated White men. Personally, I prefer Black men/Mixed. Which applies to you. You probably won't find a white man who appreciates a Latina like he would a White women. IDK!

Its what ever you Fancy I guess.

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